In the night, when I added several dry-wood termites to the small enclosure I use to keep a juvenile Diplocentrus melici, the tiny scorpion after some running around, finally grabbed a termite and stung it.
By the time I had my digital photo camera, a Canon A640, ready, the little scorpion had moved away from the termite. But then it noticed another termite, which it grabbed and stung. So I could make a nice photo of the little scorpion holding its prey.
The little scorpion was born in captivity the 2nd of August, 2007, see A scorpion giving birth. I removed it from the terrarium I keep its mother in some time ago. There might me more juvenile scorpions still left in the terrarium but because they are very small, and there are many hiding places, it's hard to verify this.
After I had taken the above photos, the scorpion moved away from the termite and started to wander around again. I am not sure why it didn't eat, maybe because of the light.
I keep this juvenile scorpion in an enclosure of the same dimensions as described in Diplocentrus bereai, only fine wood chips and wood powder is used as substrate (about 2.5 cm) with larger pieces of wood on top to provide adequate shelter to the little scorpion.