Bulent's Screen Recorder, BSR for short, is an excellent Windows program to record, for example, an MSN Messenger, Yahoo webcam session, web based security cams, or any other on-screen video. Sadly, the author decided to make the more recent version of the screen recorder program shareware. However, I consider the program well worth the money. Good news is that the new version of Bulent's screen recorder also supports audio recording.
Besides recording instant messenger or web based webcam sessions, the recorder can also be used to record computer instruction videos (screencasts), for example you can record the installation and usage of a program as an instruction movie for others.
Since the freeware version of Bulent's screen recorder is difficult to find, I mirror this version (1.5a) on this web site. If you download this program from a different location, make sure that the MD5 sum equals: 7892ceded239c854b62ee82b266dcc53. The name of the file is: InstallBSR_v15a.exe.