I needed a small Perl program to provide me with a list of all subs defined in several modules in order to plan code refactoring of the project I was working on. And so I wrote a small Perl program which I'll explain in parts. At the end of this blog entry you'll find the complete program.
The script starts with the classic shebang to specify which
program has to interpret the file and is followed
by two compiler pragmas. One to enable strictures and
one to enable warnings. Sometimes you see the -w switch
at the shebang but I recommend to use use warnings
instead because it's much more flexible:
use strict;
use warnings;
If you're looking for help with your Perl program, on Usenet for example, be very aware that most experienced Perl programmers refuse to look at the rest of your program when both these pragmas are missing.
Since I wanted the list to include all subs for all modules I needed a way to traverse a
specified directory and all subdirectories. I decided to have the start directory
specified on the command line. By using the shift
which defaults to @ARGV at file scope, the first argument can be obtained.
If none is given, the program uses die to report a simple usage message:
my $dir = shift;
defined $dir or die "usage: subscan.pl [DIR]\n";
For the traversing itself I used the File::Find module. The traverse is started by calling the find function with the first parameter a reference to a subroutine, and the second parameter the directory to start the traverse with. A reference to a subroutine is the name of the subroutine prefixed with \&. Note that the & is not part of the subroutine name. Moreover don't prefix subroutine calls in general with & unless you require the side-effects the & causes (and most of the time you don't).
use File::Find;
find( \&show_subs, $dir );
In order to find the names of all subs in a Perl module (or Perl program)
I decided to read the entire file into a scalar and do a global matching
over all lines inside the show_subs
There are several ways to do slurping in Perl, even
in a single line. However, I strongly recommend to use the File::Slurp
module, which you probably have to install via CPAN first. If you are
using Active Perl the following line will install File::Slurp:
ppm install File-Slurp
Add to the top of the Perl program use File::Slurp;
you can use read_file to slurp an entire file.
my $perl = read_file( $_ );
Global matching (g) treating the scalar as containing multiple lines (m)
is used to capture the names of the subs. If there are no subs found,
the show_subs
returns early. Otherwise, the name of the file (stored
in $_) is printed, followed by an overview. The map function is used to put
four spaces in front of the name and a new line character after it, resulting
in each sub name printed indented with four spaces on a line of its own.
my @subs = $perl =~ /^\s*sub\s+(\S+)/gm;
@subs or return;
print " $_\n", map { " $_\n" } @subs;
I prefer to return early from a subroutine if there is no need to stay longer in it. Some people prefer a single exit point but in my experience such a very limiting rule results in a huge clutter of if and else statements.
If the object is an directory I wanted the pathname - stored
in $File::Find::name
- to be printed. Since I use subversion for version control
I don't want to traverse into subversion related directories. This is
achieved by setting $File::Find::prune
to true. Hence the code
if ( -d ) {
if ( $_ eq '.svn' ) {
# don't traverse into subversion related directories
$File::Find::prune = 1;
# for directories, only print path
print "$File::Find::name\n";
Note that -d defaults to $_, which contains the name of the current file object, and that the current directory is set to the directory containing this object.
Two more tests are done: one to check if the file object is a file, and one to check if the file has one of the following Perl related extensions: pl, pm, or plx.
-f $_ or return; # if not a file
/\.p(m|lx?)$/ or return; # if not the right extension
The complete code for the recursive sub lister follows below, enjoy!
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Find;
my $dir = shift;
defined $dir or die "usage: subscan.pl [DIR]\n";
find( \&show_subs, $dir );
sub show_subs {
if ( -d ) {
if ( $_ eq '.svn' ) {
# don't traverse into subversion related directories
$File::Find::prune = 1;
# for directories, only print path
print "$File::Find::name\n";
-f or return; # if not a file
/\.p(m|lx?)$/ or return; # if not the right extension
my $perl = read_file( $_ );
my @subs = $perl =~ /^\s*sub\s+(\S+)/gm;
@subs or return;
print " $_\n", map { " $_\n" } @subs;