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Comments: Ping your blog via XML-RPC with Perl


The following Perl program connects to several update services to let them know that the your site or blog has been updated. The program uses XML-RPC to call the remote method of each update service with the name and URL of your site or blog as parameters. You can easily extend the list of update services that are used by the program if required so.

Read the rest of Ping your blog via XML-RPC with Perl.


Thanks for this but where do I paste your script? And how does ping help my blog

Posted by Praveen at 04:29 GMT on 5 October 2006

I'll be using this to ping my own website (and probably doing a write up of it on

People on Digg are downplaying it because WordPress "automatically" does this, but what about if you want to use something other than Ping-O-Matic (another option is Pingoat)? Especially if you have multiple blogs or are administrating a multiple-platform blogging community.

Thanks for the script!

Posted by Mike at 06:05 GMT on 5 October 2006

This is a great article. Thanks. I think I will be adding this to my website as soon as I can!

will it also run on windows?

Posted by Samantha at 16:44 GMT on 5 October 2006

Hi Samantha,

Yes, it will run on Windows, moreover, I have developed it on Windows XP Professional. You can run it once a day, for example, via "Scheduled Tasks" (See Control Panel).

Posted by John Bokma at 18:31 GMT on 5 October 2006

GREAT! This ping script I was waiting for, yes on Digg they all say it is build in Wordpress however this is far better.

Can I link direct to this page perl/ping-blog-via-xml-rpc

Posted by John Vermeulen at 12:15 GMT on 6 October 2006

Hi John,

Yes, feel free to link to the page directly.


Posted by John Bokma at 16:10 GMT on 6 October 2006

Rock on with your script, all the stuff is ready to add xml-rpc ready sites.

Thanks for the code i will make great use of it.

Posted by eglis at 16:01 GMT on 2 December 2006

Can't locate XMLRPC/

what should i do ?

Posted by fabien at 22:12 GMT on 10 January 2007

@fabien - XMLRPC::Lite is part of SOAP::Lite. So if you install SOAP::Lite via CPAN you get XMLRPC::Lite as well.

If you're using Active Perl try:

ppm install SOAP-Lite

See also the CPAN FAQ entry How do I install Perl modules?

Posted by John Bokma at 21:00 GMT on 19 January 2007

Good article and site. Congratulations This ping script I was waiting for, yes on Digg they all say it is build in Wordpress however this is far better.

Posted by budowa domów at 05:27 GMT on 29 June 2007

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