If you want to use MySQL with Perl, you need to install the DBD::MySQL driver module. However, at the time of writing, this module was not available when I tried to install it via the ppm tool using ActiveState Perl. A broader search just reported:
Read the rest of Installing DBD-mysql with ActiveState Perl.
This also was the only successful attempt I've had all day. Worked like a charm - thanks!
hello, it's me again. I am installing DBI module via PPM, i am using ZIP files. I make a repository in my harddrive and then i search for it via ppm> search * and i found the DBI description. But i cannot install it, i receive a message stating "Error: No installation target found...". And when i try the ppm> target, i found one. And i try intalling it again, but still cannot. Please help. Thank you vey much.
Thanks a lot... I was stuck up for three days in need of this module
Thanks!, it helped me connecting the mysql database with Perl. I was searching it through ppm, but didn't get that in ppm repository.
Thanks again. -Jayesh
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Thank you for this post. It is the best one i found. The only successful attempt i had all day.
:) Thank you!