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More scorpion babies

Sunday, April 27, 2008 | 0 comments

In the night, some time after we had returned from our trip to Orizaba, I checked upon the scorpions I keep for study. After I had checked upon a few, I was thinking to make a joke to Esme, that another of the scorpions had babies. The first of April a recent purchase, an Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator), had given birth. But it was not needed to make a joke about it, because it was true...

Female Centruroides flavopictus with babies on her back.
Female Centruroides flavopictus with babies on her back.

The female scorpion was captured in our kitchen the first month of this year, the 12th of January to be precise. I wasn't aware that the scorpion was pregnant, so it was somewhat of a surprise.

I don't know when exactly the babies were born, since we left on Friday at the end of the day, and returned today in the evening.

Also today

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