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John Bokma MexIT
freelance Perl programmer

Comments: Block in the cup: a game for babies (10+ months)


This afternoon I "invented" a game for Alice and me to play. I had tried before to let her put her Lego Duplo bricks back in the big plastic bucket they came in (no. 4085), but that was some time ago, and she didn't got the game back then. Today she had been playing with a plastic drink cup. When I put the cup straight and dropped a Duplo brick in it, I immediately got her attention. And after showing her a few times how the game was played, with the instruction "Alice, put the block in the cup", she picked up a Duplo brick, and dropped it in the plastic cup, a hit the first time.

Read the rest of Block in the cup: a game for babies (10+ months).

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