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John Bokma MexIT
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Exotic Fruits, Granada China and Feijoa

Thursday, April 15, 2004 | 2 comments

I like the Granada China a lot. At least that is what it is called here, in Mexico. It tastes a bit like passion fruit, although it is a bit sweater, and bigger.

I check if the fruit is ripe by shaking it. When it feels like something is moving inside, I consider the fruit ripe. Just cut the fruit in half lengthwise and eat with a spoon.

Other fruits I like a lot are: papaya, custard apple, and feijoa. The latter, also known as pineapple guava, I have not seen in Mexico yet, but I know the fruit from when I was living in New Zealand.

Feijoa Sellowiana flowers, Jardin Botanico Clavijero
Feijoa Sellowiana flowers, Jardin Botanico Clavijero

But at least the tree grows in Mexico, since Saturday April the 3rd, we saw a Feijoa Sellowiana with nice red flowers in the Jardin Botanico Clavijero, which is close to Xalapa.

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