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John Bokma Science Fiction and Fantasy books
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Comments: Science Fiction and Fantasy books


I like to read science fiction and fantasy a lot. Especially the "first contact" science fiction stories. In my opinion good fantasy is a hard to find since many writers base their stories on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien too much.

Read the rest of Science Fiction and Fantasy books.


terry goodkind is a very good series terry brooks 'shannara series trudi canavan'black magician trioligy philip pullman... david eddings...class

Posted by kierran at 21:00 GMT on 6 August 2005

Shannara series of Terry Brooks was the first fantasy book that I read, and it impressed me more than all the others I read later.

Posted by Edd at 04:15 GMT on 2 June 2006

If you like first contact SF books i can recommend "the forge of god" by Greg Bear, although it's not a very positive first contact :P. It used to be my favourite book (and Bear my favourite writer, now replaced by John Meaney)

Posted by Bonez0r at 07:37 GMT on 20 May 2007

There is new ebook posted at that sorta deals with first contact. Title is "Orion" by william elsner. it is first contact with a hidden society in the pacific and turns into fighting aliens and a colony government. very original.

Posted by Shortstack at 00:24 GMT on 21 January 2011

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