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More photos of the Mexican Tree frog

Monday, August 8, 2011 | 0 comments

Yesterday I discovered a small tree frog in our house. It was perched on top of a power strip cable. I captured the little animal and put it in an enclosure that I used to keep a scorpion in. This afternoon I made a little background with some pieces of bark and a potted Epipremnum aureum plant and took several close-up photos of the little tree frog.

Mexican tree frog, Smilisca baudinii, resting on a Epipremnum aureum leaf.
Mexican tree frog, Smilisca baudinii, resting on a Epipremnum aureum leaf. (large)

Yesterday I didn't know the binomial name of the little tree frog. I had searched online for photos of tree frogs and the closest match I could find were photos of Hyla versicolor, which has also a white spot under the eyes. So in the afternoon I emailed Tim Burkhardt if he could provide me with an id. And a few hours later I got a reply back; the little frog is the Mexican Masked treefrog, Smilisca baudinii.

Other common names for this species include:

Close-up of a Mexican tree frog, Smilisca baudinii.
Close-up of a Mexican tree frog, Smilisca baudinii. (large)
A Mexican tree frog climbing up.
A Mexican tree frog climbing up. (large)
The set-up used to take the above photos.
The set-up used to take the above photos.

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