I use MSN Messenger for quite some time now. Moreover, this program is the reason why I live in Mexico at the moment with Esmeralda, since I met her on the Internet. I also use it to communicate with my customers.
Some articles I have written:
Hacks to improve MSN Messenger and some tricks. Most hacks require you to use the registy editor, so use them at your own risk.
Some display pictures I have drawn using Xara others are (parts of) edited digital photos either Esmeralda or I made. They are free for personal use with MSN Messenger, however don't copy them to your site or link to them.
Some emoticons I have drawn using Xara. They are free for personal use with MSN Messenger, however don't copy them to your site or link to them.
A list of IM programs I have been using or still use:
Trillian, Miranda and GAIM can also be used with the MSN network. January the 27th I bought Trillian Pro 3, which I higly recommend. The program now uses a much better skin compared to the previous versions and looks very professional. I recommend giving the free version of Trillian a try and if you like it a lot, to upgrade to the Pro version.