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Housing Megacormus species

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 | 0 comments

Last Saturday I collected near La Joya two small scorpions, both the same species, belonging to the genus Megacormus. And today, in the afternoon, I finally had some time during a test run of a Perl crawler application I am writing, to turn two plastic containers into a terrarium for each specimen.

Female Megacormus species, specimen number 1, found near La Joya.
Female Megacormus species, specimen number 1, found near La Joya.

I used 3cm of moist small pieces of coconut husk and fibers for substrate, possible Exo Terra "Coco Husk". I can't recall exactly the brand since I've stored this substrate moist for quite some time in a 42 liter Iris Clear Stacks box, and each time I need some I take it out, as in this case.

The Megacormus sp. terrariums on top of a tarantula terrarium.
The Megacormus sp. terrariums on top of a tarantula terrarium.

I used a 2100 ml plastic box with a lid that can be snapped close to house each specimen. Each lid has nine small holes which I made using a hot needle. Since this species was found under very moist bark of a fallen pine log, keeping the relative moisture level high is important. Each box is 18 cm wide and 10 cm deep providing ample of floor space for this small species.

Female Megacormus species, specimen number 2, found near La Joya.
Female Megacormus species, specimen number 2, found near La Joya.

On top of the substrate I placed several pieces of pine bark also collected on the same location. Both specimen were found on the same log, and based on the small size of the pectines they are most likely females. The specimen in the above photo is 12 mm measured from head to the start of the tail. It looks quite fat so if I am correct, and it's an adult female, she might be very well gravid.

The inside of the terrarium of Megacormus sp. specimen 2.
The inside of the terrarium of Megacormus sp. specimen 2.

Based on my experience with a different Megacormus species I will try to feed this species small pre-killed "superworms"; Zophobas morio larvae. Other possible good food options are juvenile house crickets and termites.

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