Redirecting a POST as GET in Perl
April 28, 2017
Today, while testing a Perl implementation of a module to use a web
based API, I bumped into the fact that LWP
redirects a POST request as
another POST request, when enabled. The web based API, though,
insisted on a GET request.
After some reading of the LWP
documentation I came up with the
following solution:
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
sub {
my $response = shift;
$response->code() == 301 or return;
my $req = $response->request();
if ( $req->method() eq 'POST' ) {
# Change redirect to a GET request with zero content
$req->method( 'GET' );
$req->content( '' );
When the response to the first request is done it verifies is the
status code is 301 (redirect) and if the method is a POST. If this is
the case the method is changed into GET, the original POSTed content
set to nothing, and the Content-Length
header removed.